Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kung-Fu Night

We are so fortunate this month. Three new volunteers have joined the teen program. Along with CJ and Seanna who attended recent field trips, Steve Braun is leading a weekly kung-fu night. Exercise and discipline unite, and the teens are loving it! This is a wonderful addition to the many workshops we already have going, including cooking, writing, acting improv, teen talk, and Dreams Night.

A great cardio workout.

Learning the fine art of kung-fu.

Photographing Hollywood Boulevard

Art is everywhere, even at Pinkberry.

We had a great turnout for our photography field trip to Hollywood Boulevard: Carlos, Abraham, Grace, Walter, Jorge, Noel, Kathy, Alejahid, Andre, William, Jessica, Giovanni, and Juan. They were joined and occasionally corralled by volunteers Kelly, Michelle, Seanna, Kim, and yes, yay!, another new volunteer, CJ, for an evening of strolling up and down the main drag, watching---and photographing---all of the activity.

The Joker, Superman, Zorro, Homer Simpson and more were out and about around Grauman's Chinese Theater, offering plenty of photo opportunities. Neon also captured the teens' attention, along with the wall murals at the Egyptian Theater, questionable shop window displays, and a leopard print limousine----yes, that is exactly what it sounds like! We ended the evening by dropping by Pinkberry, where everyone filled up on yogurt and took a few last photos before we headed home.

Photos from this and other field trips will show up in our upcoming literary book. We are also still hoping to hold a photography show ... stay tuned!

Sharing Pinkberry with Elvis.

William is mesmerized by a cart display.

Andre duels with Zorro.

Target America Field Trip

Among this month's field trips (yes, there were 2 this month!) was a visit to the Target America exhibit at the Science Center downtown. Eleven teens (Henry, Grace, Carlos, Maris, Rafael, William, Jessica, Walter, Giovanni, Abraham, and Jorge) were joined by volunteers Kelly, Michelle, Melissa, Kim and our newest addition, Seanna. Welcome, Seanna!!

We spent the afternoon touring exhibits, learning about the effects of drugs and drug trafficking on individuals and society. Along with a history of drugs and drug use, and explanations of drug activity around the world, the exhibit also included a moving section about drug abuse. The teens were particularly affected by a notebook displaying the photographs and life stories of people who died of overdoses, drunk driving accidents, and other drug-related situations. They were startled to see a fourteen-year-old girl right here in LA who died of a heroin overdose. This field trip was a good opportunity to both educate the teens, and to give them a chance to talk about their own feelings and experiences.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Artistic & Practical!

Teen program volunteer Kelly writes:

The other night the Alexandria House teens were joined by Sasha Koziak---dancer, actress, choreographer, and mother of two boys, ages 10 and 14. Sasha is always coming up with creative art projects and when she heard about the duct tape wallet craze, she bought the materials and perfected her own take on it, which she shared with the teens.

At first they were sort of stuck (pun intended), holding a bunch of strips of tape, not knowing what to do ... watching Sasha intently. Then once they got the basics, they were off and running, and adding their own personal takes and styles to each wallet they made. All the teens made at least two, some made three, and LaLa finally had to be cut off after … 9!!!

Juan went classic (old school) with a traditional grey tape color. Noel added pockets and perfected working with patterns. Jorge was so precise and focused with his that no one heard a peep out of him until he had a perfect finished product. Gio was adventurous with patterns and color. Anna and Rebecca from Alexandria House joined in and made gorgeous pieces. Lala added straps to hers to make a purse. Jessica---tired from winning her basketball game, congratulations!---was quietly making a classic fold-over wallet. Walter made his as if he'd been designing them for years!

Everyone asked when Sasha is coming back. ALL the boys had their wallets in pocket before the night was over. Artistic and practical!!!

Sasha demonstrates the fine art of duct tape wallets.

Lala proves that one can be economic and fashionable at the same time.

Teens and exacto knives ... hmmm?