Sunday, March 29, 2009

Target America Field Trip

Among this month's field trips (yes, there were 2 this month!) was a visit to the Target America exhibit at the Science Center downtown. Eleven teens (Henry, Grace, Carlos, Maris, Rafael, William, Jessica, Walter, Giovanni, Abraham, and Jorge) were joined by volunteers Kelly, Michelle, Melissa, Kim and our newest addition, Seanna. Welcome, Seanna!!

We spent the afternoon touring exhibits, learning about the effects of drugs and drug trafficking on individuals and society. Along with a history of drugs and drug use, and explanations of drug activity around the world, the exhibit also included a moving section about drug abuse. The teens were particularly affected by a notebook displaying the photographs and life stories of people who died of overdoses, drunk driving accidents, and other drug-related situations. They were startled to see a fourteen-year-old girl right here in LA who died of a heroin overdose. This field trip was a good opportunity to both educate the teens, and to give them a chance to talk about their own feelings and experiences.

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